Saturday, 28 December 2019

Listen to me brutha

I saw this poem on the facebook site: 'Australians All at the Crossroads.'

On the site, they say, 'I think by far the most popular posts this year were the poems from the elusive Yajili, who writes only when he wants and only for us.'

Listen to me brutha I’m gonna tell ya straight; You need to deal with all of your self-hate
What you need is a dose of reality; You need to drop the victim mentality
When you always blame the past; That’s when you put us in the grave real fast
Many of us here aint just survivin’, but we’re here today thrivin’
So get up off ya arse and stop blaming Captain Cook; Grab that mirror and take a good look
Because looking back at you there you will see, the only one who can set you free
It’s not the white man who keeps you down; It’s you who decides to wear that frown
It’s up to you to make your life right; It’s up to you to end our plight
When you become a boozer; Then ya become a loser
When you become pot smoker; Then you become a no hoper
Now the ice might actually thrill ya, but I tell ya now, it’s gonna kill ya
We need to use our brilliance and our resilience
Stop seeing white fella as another; You need to see him as ya brotha
Black and white must live in unity; We’re all part of the human community
We are need our kids to grow healthy and strong, not full of hate, because that’s so wrong
So listen to me brutha I’m gonna tell ya straight, you need to listen before it’s too late!

Yajili (Sam)


Remote Aboriginal settlements have some terrible problems with alcohol, drugs, suicides and violence.  But so many things have become so dangerous to comment on.  Even Aboriginal commentators have wound up with death threats for talking about Aboriginal violence within their own community.

When I set out to write some books about a children's homes, I deliberately set it in Cornwall, Britain, not Australia. That is because there are many Aboriginal kids in care, and whatever you say about Aboriginals, there is someone who is going to claim offence.  It seemed better to avoid the whole issue.

Here are some books from my library. Probably each one of these would be designated as quite unsuitable for reading now. They are no longer politically correct. 

To speak about anything to do with Aboriginals is a minefield.  This is why people keep their opinions to themselves, this is why problems remain undefined, and this is why problems only become worse, not better.

The poem above is by an Aboriginal man. That gives him some immunity, but not much.

He is saying that blaming the white man for all the problems will never, ever solve those problems. Soon it will be Australia Day, and again the constantly angry will be saying that it is not a suitable date because it is 'Invasion Day.'  (If it was any sort of an 'invasion,' it would have had to be the most feeble one in human history.) 

To the left is a painting I did many years ago. I think it might pass today's PC test, but am not at all sure. Someone will always claim offence for something! 

Times are very strange these days, and our speech constrained.   It is a sad thing.


My books can be found on Amazon and other online booksellers.

Monday, 16 December 2019

Reducing the intensity of bushfires

Australia has been prone to bushfires for thousands of years. The pre-white man landscape was shaped by regular fires. Much of it still is.  Some seeds of native plants actually require the heat of a bushfire to germinate.

So there is nothing new about the 2019 fires, except that they are notable in that so much has been burnt, and yet there have been few deaths, and so many homes that have been saved from the flames. 

Below is a brief account of the 1939 fires.  ('But Sir,' autobiography by Merv McRae) 

'No-one would forget the Black Friday fires of 1939, which almost cooked the whole state. We had dug a cellar by then, and stayed down in that for most of the day. The temperature was so high that the lino was too hot for bare feet. In the kitchen the temperature reached one hundred and twenty degrees Fahrenheit, and it seemed a wonder more people didn’t die. 

Then we heard of all the fires around the state, something which has happened since, and what’s more will always happen in this well-grassed country which gets so dry in the summer.  

All that is needed is a hot, windy day with lightning about, and you have all the ingredients.'  

And these days we have additional ingredients - idiots who think it fun to light fires, and those who consider themselves environmentalists who make it very difficult to reduce fuel load so that the inevitable fires are less likely to rage out of control.

The media and the politicians and the activists keep saying that the 2019 fires are 'unprecedented.' It is a favourite word - 'unprecedented.'

They are not unprecedented.   One can only believe that they are 'unprecedented' if one ignores history.

As well as in 1939,  there have been terrible fires in 2009, 1983, 1851, and many more. Every year, there are fires. It is a part of Australia.

Various things are blamed for the 'unprecedented'  nature of our current fires.

One foolish man says that it is God's punishment because we passed laws allowing abortion and the marriage of people of the same sex.  (A strange idea, but free speech remember?)

Other people,  rather a lot of them, are saying that it is all because of Climate Change,  though they don't mean merely the gradually changing climate that has gone on for millennia, rather they mean  - the notion that humans are powerful enough to influence global climate.

 And some sensible people point out that the way we care for our country can actually make a difference.  There should be fire trails   wherever possible, access should not be closed off, and there should be regular control burns. 

New England National Park

For many years, countrymen have been complaining about decisions made by the authorities, authorities usually based in the cities, and made by those who have never lived in the countryside.

Brumbies in the snow

National Parks excluded the cattle that grazed in the high mountains every summer, for instance, brumbies culled, sometimes even shot from the air (the luckier ones shot dead,)  so the grass goes ungrazed except by kangaroos, dies off and makes more fuel for fires.

Fire trails have been closed, and some areas have been designated 'Wilderness' with no public access at all.  National Parks discourage visitors with high fees, some ridiculously high, and often, deliberately terrible roads.  Fewer and fewer control burns have been done.

In the last decades, it has not only been countrymen warning of the potential for serious bushfires, but acknowledged experts.  (Some of the 'experts' know nearly as much as the average countryman.)  In 2010, for instance, fire expert Roger Underwood, pointed out that government environment departments were being taken over by 'Greenies,'  resulting in a lack of fuel reduction measures.

('Greenies' has become a dirty word these days, like 'Feminism'  and 'Veganism.'  This is because once sensible movements have been taken over by extremists, and their actions and words have earned our condemnation.)

From an article by Peter Gleeson,   (Sunday Mail, December 15th, 2019)

'...Mr Underwood has dispensed with the niceties and taken the gloves off when it comes to the current escalating bushfire season.

He has blamed green groups and departmental bureaucracies hijacked by conservationists for the cataclysmic fires that are raging throughout the country.

He says blaming climate change is a hoax, and until Australians started to realise that greenies were making the country a tinderbox, catastrophic fires would continue to happen.

He even told Jane Marwick on Macquarie Radio that brainwashed government authorities would continue to blame climate change for the bushfires, meaning the risk of further loss of life and property will escalate.' 

Chris Dynon
Here is one countryman with the same viewpoint, expressed in a video.  Chris Dynon.  He speaks of restricted access, closed fire trails and the Greenies restricting burnoffs.  

Dynon - "People are saying that (the fires) are so bad now because of Climate Change.  Well, that's bullshit!" 

And Clem Wheatley is another very knowledgeable man. These are his words below. 

Clem Wheatley
'I am a former Ranger with the Forestry, I have lived in the bush for my entire 62 years, I am also a former Group Captain and training officer with the Rural Fire Service, I can attest first hand that as a result of green appeasing laws and policies preventing us from managing and reducing fuel loads, which in turn have resulted in hotter more destructive fires, many of our native species are being negatively impacted.

I have witnessed the transition from when we could manage and reduce fuel loads as we determined necessary, through the gradual imposition of restrictions over the years, up to today where management and reduction of fuel loads is almost impossible, as a result of legislative restrictions and onerous approval processes.

I have likewise witnessed the difference in the intensity and destructive nature of wild fire, when management and reduction of fuel loads were not hindered with excessive bureaucratic processes and restrictive laws, where vegetation was managed, fires were easier to control and less damaging, even in weather that was as hot if not hotter, than during the recent Queensland fires.

This out of touch with reality, farmer hating, greeny appeasing government and their policies have caused these fires to be more severe, damaging and harder to control than they should of been, excessive fuel loads, insufficient fire breaks due to overbearing and onerous laws and mismanagement of public land, all as a result of government interference and inaction.

While the draconian QLD Labor Native Vegetation laws provide for hazard reduction by fire, they prohibit such reduction by other means, having to navigate through the bureaucratic processes involved in obtaining approval to remove vegetation by other means, is almost impossible, as any farmer knows, it is not always possible to burn, wet and or green vegetation, extreme heat or cold, excessive wind, are all mitigating factors.

Where it is not possible to burn, there were always other methods of reducing fuel loads, mechanical means being one such method, the vegetation that causes the most heat and intensity, and which is the hardest to extinguish, is what is called ladder fuel, being that vegetation other than pasture grasses, from the ground to the underside of the canopy of the larger trees, woody weeds and scrub, if this fuel is able to be controlled, the pasture is easier to control if ignited, and the larger trees are not adversely effected.

Burning does not always remove ladder fuel, what is left after a hazard reduction burn is sometimes more flammable due to the fact it is left in a dead and or much dryer state, so that when a fire during the hotter periods is present, it has ready made dry fuel, removing this by mechanical means, prevents it being a fuel in the future and allows pasture grasses to flourish more readily, sometimes it is necessary to employ both methods, in order to render an area free of high intensity fuel.

Until these ridiculous laws are amended, so they do not inhibit land holders from managing and reducing fuel loads, to the degree where doing so, is so onerous and prohibitive, until this and future governments ensure public land is properly managed so as it's condition does not pose a threat to neighbouring properties and communities, nothing will have changed for the better.' 

Clem Wheatley
Queensland State Chairman
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party.

So many are working so hard,  right now, to control bushfires.  Like some of our towns and farms that are running out of water, it is more to do with mismanagement than the vagaries of climate.

Clem Wheatley   This is what needs to happen.



This policy is designed to enhance the management and mitigation of bush fires and reduce the negative impact of these fires on the community and the environment.

For many years now there has been a noticeable increase in restrictions by all levels of government, which prevent and hinder private landholders in the removal of vegetation, for the purpose of reducing fuel loads, restrictions that prevent them from adequately protecting their assets.

Authorities in control of many areas of public land have let fuel loads increase to levels that pose a significant threat to public health and safety and the environment, with significant threat to adjoining properties, urban areas and major infrastructure and services.

There are some private properties, where vegetation on those properties, poses a significant threat to public health and safety and adjoining properties, urban areas and major infrastructure and services.

There is significant evidence that shows there are issues with the management style of the Queensland Rural Fire Service, in relation to, the conduct relating to the suppression of rural fires, training and resources, the key to this is the fact that the QLD RFS comes under the management of the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services, who are chiefly urban fire fighters.


1. The QLD SFFP considers that legislation needs to be introduced to allow the controllers of private land, to construct firebreaks, to at least twice the height of trees nearest, or a minimum of 30 metres separating the extremities of the Vegetation canopy.

2. The QLD SFFP considers that, where adjacent vegetation is dense and or in areas greater than 50 hectares, or are adjacent to dwellings or other significant infrastructure, the limits in point 1, can be doubled.

3. The QLD SFFP considers that, controllers of public lands be required to ensure that a fire break be maintained free of obstructions that prevent access and egress by motor vehicles and vegetation greater in height than 200mm, to a minimum width of 30 metres, or twice the height of the nearest trees, around the boundaries of the land, and where this land adjoins roads.

4. The QLD SFFP considers that, where the areas listed in point 3, are adjacent to and within 500 metres of dwellings, farm buildings, residential, industrial areas or any significant utilities, these fire breaks be a minimum of 500 metres.

5. The QLD SFFP considers that, legislation needs to be introduced to allow the controllers of private land, to remove and or reduce vegetation for the purpose of reducing fuel loads, where any vegetation poses a threat to infrastructure, assets, crops or pasture, or neighbouring properties, as a result if fire.

6. The QLD SFFP considers that, controllers of public lands be required to ensure vegetation fuel loads are maintained, so as reasonably not to pose a threat from fire to anything on adjoining properties.

7. The QLD SFFP considers that, the Rural Fire Service, be provided with the authority to require controllers of land to construct firebreaks, and or reduce vegetation, where necessary to reduce a credible threat to infrastructure, assets, crops and pasture on, or access and egress to adjoining land.

8. The QLD SFFP considers that, the Queensland Rural Fire Service be a self managing stand alone department, and that Senior management be required to possess practical rural fire fighting experience and qualifications.

9. The QLD SFFP considers that, decisions regarding control measures at a rural fire, be primarily, the jurisdiction of the senior officer at that particular fire.

10. The QLD SFFP considers that, training of Queensland rural fire personnel, be in line with the requirements of the NSW Rural Fire Service training curriculum.

11. The QLD SFFP considers that, weather permitting, particular preference be given to the indirect, (back burning) method of attack on vegetation fires in areas larger than 400 metres square, where appropriate as determined by the senior officer at that particular fire.

12. The QLD SFFP considers that, any laws made pursuant to this policy, be taken as the paramount authority over other state laws and codes. Note, state law automatically overrides Local government laws, policy and codes.

Clem Wheatley
Queensland State Chairman
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party

And that all sounds very sensible.  I think that the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party might easily rise to prominence.  Country people have been poorly represented since the Country Party changed its name to the Nationals, and then largely forgot to represent country people.

Aboriginal Land Management:

There has been a book released just recently,  that purports to tell us how the Aboriginals, pre-1788, managed the land to mitigate bushfire risk.  I suspect a lot of it is purest imagination - and that deliberate planned management was not exactly what it was, but it is true that they frequently lit fires.  I remember reading a book that contained an account of a white man travelling with Aboriginals in the early years. He was struck by the way they carried burning sticks for warmth, (no clothes, remember)  and frequently lit the vegetation as they passed, leaving fires to burn. It has also been said that they used fire to clear vegetation for ease of hunting.

I find it hard to believe that the Australian landscape was ever as idyllic as in the picture left.

But we don't know, and recent books about Aboriginals tend to more wishful thinking with a large dose of fiction.

But it doesn't really matter whether the regular lighting of fires was a carefully planned strategy with a particular result in mind, or a casual attitude mixed with the fun of watching fires, but when white settlers first arrived, the bush was often describes as park-like.


Big changes are needed.  Farmers should be freed to look after their land without harassment from bureaucrats, and there should be sensible measures to mitigate the effects of wildfires.

There is another thing that is causing bushfires. It is not human-caused Climate Change, it is not a cranky God, but there are far too many malicious humans who are lighting many of these fires, maybe most of these fires.  I know there has been no lightning where I live, but again last night, a fire started nearby, and again, today, firefighters are battling, and we are breathing smoke.  There needs to be much more severe penalties for those deliberately lighting fires, and maybe even preventative detention for known firebugs when conditions are hot and windy.

Volunteer firemen do such a sterling job. They need more reward. And there needs to be some compensation for those business owners whose staff have gone off to fight fires instead of doing their normal jobs.

We have a rising population, more settlements,  more people living in vulnerable conditions in the middle of bushland. Sometimes old traditions no longer work.  The fires have been severe and numerous now for the last two months.  It is too much to ask of our volunteers.

And that is something else to look at.

Thank you to Chris Dynon and to Clem Wheatley for giving permission to use their words.

Sunday, 17 November 2019

About George Pell.

To commit the crime that George Pell was convicted of, he would have had to have the capabilities of some sort of a superhero.  This is why it is simply not feasible.

But the scales of justice were so weighted down by a deep anger at the history of crimes committed by the clergy, that the evidence has simply not been properly weighed.

On social media, any defense of the man is met by accusations of condoning paedophilia, of assertions that the man is so vile that the particular allegation is unimportant and that he should 'rot in prison.'

There are  appeals to think of the agony of victims of sexual abuse. 

But the pain of the victims of other crimes is not relevant to this case.  Our justice system doesn't work that way.  All that needed to be judged was if this man had committed this particular crime.  And that judgement is questionable, to say the very least!

George Pell has recently been granted leave to appeal to the High Court.

I happened to see a discussion on facebook about the case, and there was a detailed comment by John Macaulay. He kindly granted me permission to share it. I have not previously seen the circumstances put in quite such a telling way.

John Macaulay is highly qualified in more than one area, and is very knowledgeable. He has been deeply involved in this case, and as a Catholic and former altar boy, knows a lot more about procedures when conducting Mass than a lay person.

  This comment is by John Macaulay -

About the crime attributed to Pell:

What sort of freak is capable of:

1) Being at two ends of his cathedral at the same time, greeting parishioners at the Western transept while chasing two 13 year old boy-sopranos through the sacristy 200 meters away across a packed cathedral
2) Holding two boys down with both his hands while using his third hand to insert his erect penis into the open mouth of a chorister, then simultaneously committing the crime of onanism on himself while groping the other lad, all at a virile 55 years of age
3) Was capable of doing all this while dressed in a cassock, covered with a seamless alb, which itself was covered with his heavy priestly chasuble and tied down with a cincture with five knots, while holding his episcopal crook and balancing his ornate mitre on his head
4) That Pell did all this within minutes of concluding his first Solemn High Mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral so soon after being appointed Archbishop, mobbed by hordes of conservative Catholics who finally saw in him a bishop who seemed to believe in God
5) That this supposedly happened on 'any' Sunday between July and December, despite the cathedral being closed for restoration for the first 23 weeks of this speculative window which arches from the depths of winter to the heat of summer
6) Despite 20 *police* witnesses admitting the implausibility of the accusation and Pell not calling a single witness so confident was he that this spurious case would collapse under the weight of its own implausibility
7) Despite there being no evidence nor a single witness to corroborate the sole complainant's fantastical claims
8) Claims that even went so far as to paint a deceased man into such a pornographic picture, despite “M.R.” saying he was never abused, even when such an assertion would have reduced his own sentence on an unrelated drugs charge a few years earlier
9) All the while ignoring the successive changes to critical details in the sole accuser’s testimony, including insistence that he was caught swigging sweet red altar wine, despite the cathedral only using dry white wine and despite the cathedral sacristy being a hive of activity with very clear lines of sight.  

10) Despite the immemorial custom, indeed necessity, of a metropolitan archbishop in full regalia always being flanked by his master of ceremonies, his deacon, his assisting priest, and two altar servers, one to hold his crozier and another for his mitre before they are ceremonially handed to the sacristan and assistant sacristan
11) Despite Pell having instigated an independent commission into the despicable crimes of a number of Melbourne clergy, including a request for the Victorian Police to assist it in developing the commission's protocols. A request subsequently refused
12) Despite Pell belonging to a religion whose founder declaimed "If anyone causes scandal to one of these little ones, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea"

When first presented with this sordid picture, while serving as Rome’s third highest ranking official, Pell responded with characteristic candour “what a load of absolute and disgraceful rubbish, completely false, madness” and voluntarily returned home to defend his good name & reputation deciding not to use his diplomatic immunity.

I attended Pell’s trial, retrial and appeal and I was his altar server in that same cathedral in the late nineties, I too can emphatically respond 'what a load of absolute and disgraceful rubbish, completely false, madness'

As a kid I came across creepy blokes that my gut instinct said to steer clear of. As my local bishop, Pell was nothing of the sort. He was mostly affable, sometimes aloof and occasionally grumpy, given how many people & priorities were constantly vying for his attention.

After 20 years of incitement from a mendacious media, a corrupt police force and grandstanding public prosecutors, may God help any cleric, Catholic or conservative who is hauled before a jury in Melbourne in the years ahead.


It is sometimes assumed that anyone who expresses doubt about Pell's guilt are devout Catholics. But one does not have to be Catholic, or even Christian to expect justice from our justice system.

Poor Pell will probably spend another year or so in prison before the date of his High Court Hearing.

Pell is not a superhero, he is just a man.  He is an old man in a prison with the most vile of criminals.  I hope he survives long enough to be exonerated.

And this charge - what Pell himself said -
“what a load of absolute and disgraceful rubbish, completely false, madness.”   

And so it is. 


7th April, 2020.   The High Court of Australia has finally given its decision.  George Pell is a free man.  The seven judges of the High Court were unanimous in their decision.  There has been a miscarriage of justice, and an old man spent over a year in prison for a crime that he did not do.  The idea that 'victims' should invariably be believed is proven false once again. 


Saturday, 9 November 2019

The 'Okay' sign

One day, a nuisance idiot on a site called 4chan decided - as a joke - that he would say that the okay sign was a symbol for white supremicism.  

Such is the madness of the day, that instead of laughing and moving on,  more idiots believed them, and now, if you look it up, you are advised not to use it.  It is 'problematic,' some say.  Other sites frankly call it a hate symbol, or even Nazi.;postID=5877959983091345147;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=4;src=postname

Like a lot of nonsense invented by the Politically Correct brigade, it has caused harm. 
According to the article, link below, an actor was fired for using this harmless gesture. 

And it is harm, too, to tell us we cannot use this common symbol
 that has been around for hundreds of years.  

It means 'okay.'  We all know it it means okay. 

It started as a joke. Now, we are told that we should be very careful about using the symbol.

I intend to treat the suggestion
that we take care when using it as a joke.

It is a joke.

It is only when we give credibility to such nonsense that it sticks.

So use the symbol. Use the symbol whenever you like.  
And then, after a time, maybe the rot about it being racist will be forgotten.

We do not have to take notice of the nonsense around these days.  Okay?  

Friday, 1 November 2019

Do we really want Halloween in Australia?

There was a murder recently in America. It seemed without motive.

But they showed a gruesome picture in the window of the house - a Halloween 'decoration.'  A figure with a raised knife, a figure of someone apparently in the act of stabbing someone.   It was not supposed to have had anything to do with the murder, but how could anyone think this any sort of a  'decoration?'

It was 31st October yesterday, and while Halloween was ignored in my own neighbourhood, I was still subjected to some gruesome images in the name of fun.  There was a zombie 'decoration,' the realistic figure apparently struggling along the ground, bleeding from its eyes.  Awful!

Children get dressed up as hideous creatures.

And then they wander around the neighbourhood collecting a bucket of 'treats,'  often enough to make them sick several times over.  That is not good for them, even if they don't get someone's pills mixed up with the 'treats' as happened to one unfortunate three-year-old.  (How could that have been an accident?)

So there are three issues of Halloween I object to.

1. The promotion of ugly and offensive images in the name of fun.
2. Children stuffing themselves with sweets to the detriment of their health.
3. The danger.  Even when the children are supervised, and often they would not be, they are knocking on the doors of strangers.  And some of the treats might be less harmless than the chocolate-covered  brussel sprouts that I saw suggested.

There is also the irritation of the promotion of it in stores and on the media. I suppose it is good for business, especially as in some areas, no doubt, it will become a competition for the best expensive costume or the best expensive house decorations.

But we already have the less offensive celebrations at Easter and Christmas.  Really, do we want Halloween as well?  We don't actually have to follow America in all of its most foolish trends, do we?

I usually like to put pictures in my blog posts.  But I am feeling quite grumpy, and have no desire to put any pictures of spiders or grave yards or skeletons and especially not - zombies! 


Growing up a Tomboy

Not long ago, a girl could act as 'boyish' as she wished.  Then, no-one would have dreamed of mutilating her body and compromising her health in order to attempt to turn her into something she can never be.

This is a post from 'Political Posting Mumma,' an activist against the damaging fad of  'transgender.'

She speaks of growing up a a tomboy.

"People would call me a Tomboy and I would ask them, “what even is that? Who says girls can’t do whatever they want?” "

This lady is convinced that if she'd been growing up now, she would have found herself being 'transitioned.'

Luckily,  she grew up before the wickedness took hold.   'I am so grateful, I was left to be me.'

The full story  is very much worth reading.
The link to PPM's facebook page is below it.

"For most of my childhood I was considered a Tomboy.
My friends were mostly boys.
I climbed trees and built tree houses and was often a bit grotty from collecting bugs and playing in the dirt. I hated pretty dresses. I had short hair for a number of years and I absolutely detested the colour pink! When I was 8 I received a much wanted real tool box so I could build things, hopefully with my dad who liked to build when he wasn’t working. He worked a lot. And build things I did. I had a train set until I was 13. I had a motorbike and dreamed of owning a Harley Davidson one day...

When I was at my single mum’s home, I played the role of the man when it came to finding out what the loud noises were in the house, and taking out the spiders and comforting her when she needed it. I also fought off my mum’s attackers on more than one occasion. I was the “man of the house” so to speak.

As a young person I was always quite opinionated and a bit mouthy. Traits that have no doubt held me in good stead in this recent battle. I loved wrestling and play fighting and would often beat the boys, (until they all hit puberty of course).

People would call me a Tomboy and I would ask them, “what even is that? Who says girls can’t do whatever they want?”

I started the first girl indoor soccer team in my area. I played footy and was quite good at it, until the boys were told they weren’t allowed to tackle me anymore and so obviously the game lost any interest for me. I was angry at the injustice at the time but no other girls at my school wanted to form a team, so I let footy go and moved on.

So this issue is probably a little more personal for me than maybe for others. Although I’m sure many of you can relate in some way or another. Biological gender may be binary but gender expression is definitely not.

I am absolutely convinced that if this agenda was around when I was growing up, I would have been transitioned. I’m convinced my mother who quite possibly has (undiagnosed) munchausen by proxy and is as politically left leaning and “progressive” as it gets, would have embraced this medicalisation of gender dysphoria.
I was put in a wheelchair and hospitalised as a child with an illness that miraculously disappeared.
Amongst other examples.

Incidentally, I was a fairly late bloomer, but by the age of about 16 I discovered and embraced my more feminine side.
I gave up trying to be the boy I thought my father always wanted and may have loved more than he seemed to love me. I started to wear a bit of lippy and flirted profusely with the opposite sex and this was often reciprocated. I also found my first real teenage bestie girlfriend and I loved and enjoyed our non competitive friendship. I wore my hair long and started to get more into fashion for my newfound curves. I sold my motorbike for $100 so I could buy a pair of Doc Martins. That guy got a bargain and I was so irritated to find he ended up being one of my biggest trolls through the marriage campaign. That bike was worth at least a thousand bucks! 🙄

I digress.
I am so grateful, I was left to be me.
At 20, after a failed suicide attempt, I gave my life to Jesus and found a path of complete happiness. This new life perspective meant that almost over night all that I wanted was to be a wife and a mum and to create a home that I had always craved for Marijke the broken and lonely little girl. I found my inner strength and life’s purpose and it wasn’t to be angry and aggressive anymore. I could relax and just be me. The evolving me. But the me I may have always been if circumstances and my often traumatic childhood had have been different. Or who knows, I may have always liked “boy things” whatever they even are...

Anyway, I suddenly dreamed of being a Nurturer, a mother, a home maker and I met men through my church network that made me believe that not all men were bad or disloyal or absent or abusive. I met my now husband who helped me understand that there were men who had integrity and loyalty and who did not look at women (and especially not at little girls) as objects for their sexual gratification. He won’t even look at another woman inappropriately and even turns away when there are underwear ads! This was astonishing to me. All the men I’d known were into porn. We are now raising sons who honour women the same way.

I’m convinced that how I presented saved myself from lots when we lived in a bikie club house with my mum, her biker partner and my sisters. It may have even been subconscious. Who knows.

With the new life I felt through my spiritual conversion I was able to soften my masculine defensive side and embrace all the innate feminine qualities that are so special and unique and that really were also there within me all along but I had no doubt locked away.

If the Trans-Agenda were around when I wanted desperately to be a boy, I would have been permanently physically mutilated. I would have been sterilised. I would have had my healthy breasts removed and tried to sculpt my body through plastic surgery into a way that I felt my personality was “supposed” to look.

Perhaps saddest of all, I would have never had the ability to have my four, precious beautiful children who have given me a richness to love and depth and breadth to the meaning of life that often overwhelms me and has certainly saved me when my PTSD flares up. They are also the reason I continue to fight and why I was so angry when the state decided to sexualise them with the comprehensive sexuality nonsense. I know first hand what depriving a child of their childhood and innocence does. I have protected my kids.
I am a mumma warrior!

I know that not all women can have biological children and I mourn for those women and share this with compassion for them, but to take this away from a little girl permanently is absolutely despicable. Or a little boy for that matter.

And as someone who has also dealt with children who have had suicidal ideation due to genetic anxiety disorders, I simply cannot accept the fear of suicide as an acceptable reason to do this to kids. Not now. Not ever.

I have poured my heart out because I hope this message goes out into the world. This agenda is not ok. Let kids be kids!

Let little girls play soccer and let little boys do ballet. Who cares. I thought we won that battle! What even is all of this??
Do not castrate them and deprive them of a peaceful future or their human right to procreate if they so choose.
Deal with their minds and hearts and traumas and pains and love them, don’t mutilate them.
And definitely do not mainstream this radical ideology so little girls and little boys from broken homes get caught in the cross fire.
Enough is enough!
Please share."[0]=68.ARBUij5xX5MVt7CW4eNS3hD9RRtX3pTGtjfl3BjAqlofy2Ag_mCqo9cXpkkbx1nrKBXMYJ7iXjye_x115odMVvJywcSdCB0w5KjZbOZekuFwmYddO3mSCn0GFT2Lcdt4GPtS4bnQ1eAUOE6nn2puuj49XGfC4RRStDcpiIUrZbPdZnWOy5wWnN2M-tpvjYaEWeJbo2YqJ5dzBLmwKZIBnwDXzfCeWpTMKZB2dbWR29gsdY02LnJRE2BW4wpB8EBy4QoEcpECGTMU0ArQaT-Hpecsps87DAd5ykd8NrvsQhXnTOBnMtGO5LmhFmDfSAfIbA1vsez_CKG3RYZxDW4-Tv8


My first book was about a eunuch. The idea started when we had our beloved young dog desexed - what most responsible owners do. Our dog sulked for a few days afterwards, but then accepted it. After all, what choice did he have?  

So then came Shuki, a bright ten-year-old boy from the slums of a city in Arabia. According to my novel, that was in the 1970s, not in ancient times.

'Not a Man' was published in 2011 - just eight years ago.  But in the years before, when I was researching the effects of the pre-puberty castration of a normal boy, there was almost nothing about it.  I did discover there were a lot of men who had castration fantasies, some of whom would go to extremely painful lengths to make their fantasy into reality.  And I discovered there were some choir boys who would beg for the operation in order to preserve their voice.

But the idea of castrating a healthy boy, especially pre-puberty, was regarded as a wickedness not to be even considered.  And yet here we are in 2019, and it is accepted, though called 'transitioning' rather than 'castration,'  and the boys are called 'girls' rather than eunuchs.  

Speculation is growing about the number of future law suits there will be from those whose bodies are damaged when they were still children.  I expect there will be many.  

Girls cannot turn into boys.  Boys cannot turn into girls.

Saturday, 19 October 2019

Stop the wickedness!

It is wicked that children are permitted to take 'puberty-blockers' and then 'cross sex hormones' and even irreversible surgery, all under the pretence they can change their sex.

Changing sex is not possible.  If your DNA says XX, then that is in every cell of your body. If your DNA says XY, then that is in every cell of your body.   And no matter what you do to your body, that will not change.

You can, of course, damage your body trying.  Boys can be turned into eunuchs, and both girls and boys can have their fertility and their sex drives destroyed.  It is a recipe for tragedy, and the enormously high rate of suicide among those 'transitioned' attest to that disaster. (The transgender lobby pretend it is because they do not find sufficient 'acceptance'.)

And yet, the transgender lobby only seems to gain more power, and is pushing to 'transition' children at younger and younger ages.

In 'The Australian,' 2nd October, 2019, it was reported that the Australian Psychological Association, representing  24,000 psychologists,  recommended that children under sixteen should be permitted to 'transition' without any requirement of counselling, and without the permission of parents! 


NO child should be enabled to have either surgery or drugs in order to 'change sex.'  It is NOT POSSIBLE to be 'born into the wrong body.'  But instead of children learning this simple fact of life, they are told they can somehow achieve the impossible.  The falsehood is taught at schools. The falsehood has now become legislation in certain areas.  Tasmania, for instance, now allows a person to have their sex changed on their birth certificates - retrospective lies on an official document.

There have been some very unfortunate consequences of the lunacy of pretending that men can be women and women can be men - consequences such as men raping women in women's prisons, men taking all the prizes in women's sports, school boys allowed in girls' change-rooms to the discomfort of the girls, and law suits when, for instance, women refuse to give 'Brazilian waxes' to the testicles of a man who calls himself a woman.

Most of all, it makes for some very miserable people. The wickedness has to stop.


First, if a child declares himself or herself to be 'really' of the opposite sex, then instead of being told not to be so silly, the notion is 'supported' with  'affirmation,' and from then on, they are told they 'are' what they say they are.  This is a mistake from the start.

And then they are likely to be prescribed what they call 'puberty-blockers.'  It sounds such a harmless thing, not the dangerous drugs they actually are. There is harm to the body.

After that, comes the 'cross hormones,' -  Testosterone for girls and Oestrogen for boys.  This is more harm to their body.

Some children may see sense around this time, and have the courage to confess their mistake. For others, it is like a treadmill, difficult to escape. The next step is surgery, maybe a double mastectomy for the girls, meaning whatever her choices later in life, she will be unable to breastfeed, (assuming she has not already been made sterile by the drugs.)  There may also be surgery on genitals, even the fashioning of a pretend penis.

She will not become male.  She will never be male.  She will be a badly damaged female.

For the boys, there will be castration, probably including removal of penis as well as testicles, and probably the fashioning of some sort of pretend vagina.  He will be sterile, and further, will have lost his sex drive, though that could be partially restored by use of female hormones.  He will have had his body very severely damaged. He will be a eunuch.

He will not be female.  He will never be female.  He will be a badly damaged male.

 For a more expert description, I have provided some links. The first article points out the enormous profits to be made by drug companies.

The article below speaks of deaths from the 'puberty-blocker' known as Lupron or 'Leuprolide Acetate.'  This drug is clinically approved  for conditions such as prostate cancer in men, and endometriosis in women.  This drug is now commonly used on children who are diagnosed as transgender.

Quoting from the report -

"Between 2013 and June 2019, FDA recorded 41,213 adverse events, including 6,379 deaths and 25,645 “serious” reactions in patients who took the hormone blocker known as Lupron — the same drug given to children who say their gender identity is not consistent with their biological sex."

Below is a link to an explanation of the use of Lupron by Endocrinologist, Dr. Michael K. Laidlaw.  He calls them 'a path towards sterilisation of kids.'

Talking about some implications of hormone treatment. 

by 'Sargon of Akkad'

Ignored, silenced, or occasionally vilified by the Transgender lobby are those who have 'transitioned' and soon realised it had been a big mistake.  Some live with their damaged bodies, others try to reverse the effects of the drugs as well as they can, and some have more surgery to restore genitals to a semblance of a healthy person of their sex.

Charlie Evans
Charlie Evans 

Charlie Evans, 28, from Newcastle, was born female but identified as male for almost ten years before deciding to stop taking testosterone and become a woman again.

She has now become involved in helping transgender people with doubts.  She says that hundreds of people have contacted her,  asking for guidance around detransitioning - the process of becoming the gender they were born.

Walt Heyer is another chap who tried to be a woman, but went back to being a man.

Peter Benjamin:  'I couldn't cope any more with being transgender.'

From the article:  'Benjamin worries that people — especially children — are being too quickly rushed to medical transitioning treatments when their compulsion is being triggered by other conditions such as depression, social isolation, or autism, which are left unresolved.' 

An article - 'Why detransitioners frighten trans activists":

Sydney Watson, stories of transgender children

There are many others who regret their decision, most of them living quietly as best as they can, some who try and help others avoid their mistakes.

A support network for those struggling is called 4th Wave Now.

There are storm clouds in this life, and there are rocky places to negotiate.  Do not make a child's life more difficult by damaging his or her bodies with the pretence that they can change sex.


Note that if an adult is foolish enough to start on this path, that is not my business,
only that it should not be funded by the tax-payer.  

When an adult self-harms, it is no-one's responsibility but that of the perpetrator.