I would have thought it so obvious a right that it would not need defending.
And yet those who have chosen not to be vaccinated against Covid 19 are being sacked from their jobs - 'No jab, no job.'
And then there is the 'vaccine passport,' now common throughout the Western World, although it goes by different names, such as the 'Green Pass' in Israel. Without a vaccine passport, in many countries, you will be denied access to venues such as pubs, restaurants, cinemas and clubs.
Dan Andrews, dictatorial premier of Victoria, says that they are moving from a ‘lockdown’ economy to a ‘lockout’ economy’– those who have not been vaccinated against Covid are to be locked out of society.
In the Northern Territory, the premier is planning to fine a person $5,000 if they decline the vaccine.
While none of the Covid vaccines are proving nearly as effective as we were led to believe, those fully vaccinated can still contract and spread the virus, at least they do seem to provide protection against serious illness. So ‘The Unvaccinated’ are not a big threat to those who are vaccinated. It appears their crime is more in the perceived disobedience, and now their exclusion from society is their punishment.
Australia has achieved extremely high levels of vaccination for this disease. That is what happens when people are threatened with loss of livelihood plus condemnation from all around. Nurses, policemen, soldiers, workers in supermarkets – all are being sacked if they refuse the vaccine.
Unbelievably, several Victorian MPs will be excluded from attending parliament this week, because they are either not vaccinated, oppose mandatory vaccination or simply think that their medical information is supposed to be private!
‘The Unvaccinated.’ ‘The Other.’ Some think that exclusion from venues such as pubs and restaurants is not enough punishment. They are to be shunned. Gladys Berejiklian, former premier of NSW, said that she would not want to be in the same room as an unvaccinated person. Jacinta Ardern, NZ PM, said the same, ‘people who are vaccinated will want to know they are around other vaccinated people,’ and acknowledged, quite unashamed, that she is creating a country with two classes of people based on vaccination status.
Worse. There have been some unhinged celebrities who speak of ‘re-education camps’ and indefinite isolation for those still recalcitrant. A certain independent reporter in America was able to get people to willingly sign a pretend petition that those who have not been vaccinated should be evicted from their rented accommodation. He said something like ‘They don’t deserve it when they are endangering us all.’
And many were happy to agree that those dreadful people should be denied even a roof over their heads.
That is extreme. It is also extreme when doctors say they will refuse to treat ‘The Unvaccinated.’ And yet, the Victorian branch of the AMA (Australian Medical Association) surprised and disgusted us when it suggested that unvaccinated people who get Covid should “not disturb the public health system, and let nature take its course”. The implication was that they should not be treated.
The statement was later ‘clarified’ to say they didn’t mean any such thing. But it was said. And some doctors are refusing to see any person who has not been vaccinated, at least according to a facebook post I happened to see - “local GP in my area will not see any unvaccinated patients. His negligence has led to delays in serious medical issues in people. I hope they sue him.”
So how are the majority of people feeling about a percentage of the population being denied their new ‘freedoms?’ There does not seem to be much concern.
What the news likes to cover are cheerful people enjoying themselves now that lockdowns are mostly over.
They would not cover an incident such as when protesters were peacefully filing past some outside diners, and were subject to foul insults.
Rebel News journalist, Avi Yemeni, covered that story. Calls such as ‘Get the jab and fuck off,’ and worse. https://www.facebook.com/joinRebelNews/videos/627360201770368
So how are the majority of people feeling about such a large proportion of them being turned into an underclass?
Because, remember, this underclass does not only include those who have chosen not to be vaccinated. Some have not had the opportunity to get the second jab in time, some had a poor reaction to the first, and decided it was best not to get a second, some are pregnant, and sensibly deciding not to risk their unborn baby with such a new vaccine, and some do not have a smartphone or are not capable of downloading the particular app to show vaccine status.
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Not computer literate, not smart phone capable. |
Those excluded might also include those who refuse to use ‘freedoms’ that all of us do not have access to. That would be the principled ones, so probably only a few.
Many are likening the exclusion of this group as akin to the way that Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, Communists and other perceived undesirables were treated by the majority during and in the years prior to WW2. While some people were taken away to ‘work camps,’ the respectable citizens averted their eyes. They were ‘The Other,’ and didn’t count.
So now ‘freedom days’ have come, and the media is happy to cover all of those people enjoying their returned freedoms, limited though they are.
Those not permitted to enjoy a meal at the pub or even go and have a much needed haircut are totally ignored by the mainstream media. The attitude of most is summed up by a comment made on facebook in answer to my post criticising the vaccine passport. “Chill out, nobody cares. The rest of us are getting on with our lives.”
This is sad. This is sinister. How easily the majority of the population can turn on a minority.
Warsaw, Poland, WW2 |