Wednesday, 8 December 2021

Be kind at Christmas

I just had a phone call from a cousin. He's had a rotten year - hip replacements, bowel cancer, eye surgery. Healthwise, things are looking up for him now, but he is still elderly, and far from fit. 

He told me his Christmas was to be 'nice and peaceful,' which I translate to mean 'lonely and miserable.' There is family close, but they have little to do with him now. I don't know whether there has been an argument or they just don't want to be bothered with him. 

What I am saying to you is, if you know someone like that, forgive the transgression if there has been one, tolerate his faults (you also have faults) and be kind enough to offer to share your Christmas. Sometimes, a phone call is all you can do. But make that phone call. We should be kind at Christmas. Other times, too, but especially at Christmas. 

This Christmas, there is an added complication, the paranoia fed by the media. They are actually encouraging people to exclude anyone who has not been vaccinated against Covid. Know that the vaccinations are not actually very effective. We can all catch and spread the virus, so it makes no difference who joins you at Christmas dinner. Do not discriminate on this basis. Family and kindness is more important than listening to the never-ending propaganda. 

I remember one of my first Christmases alone. I was a long way from home, and working. A work friend made a special effort to come in and give me a small gift. It was so sweet of her, and never forgotten. So be kind at Christmas. It is more needed than usual as so many of us had a rotten year.

This web page belongs to M. A. McRae.