Tuesday, 22 March 2022

Aboriginal Crime

The subject of Aboriginal crime.
I live in a small regional city. At pre-school, every day, the kids recite a 'thank you' to the local Aboriginal group for allowing them to use their land. Plus there are Reconciliation days, Naidoc week, yet another 'apology' for a wrong, real or imagined, plus constant talk of disadvantage, frequently twisting or inventing 'facts' to suit the agenda. We are falling over backwards to try and placate the Aboriginals of the town.

So what is the result? Well, if I get broken into tonight, my car stolen, myself threatened, the odds are almost 100% that it will be Aboriginals that are doing it. Because every time a little child recites a thank you, every time some fat Elder takes a couple of hundred dollars to do a 'Welcome to the Country,' the chip on the shoulder grows and far too many decide that whatever they do to whites is justified because Aboriginals are so wickedly persecuted.

We are following the wrong track, as evidenced by the fact that 40 years ago, Aboriginals were actually doing far better than they are now. We need to think again, stop all of the useless programmes that never do any good, and regard all of us as Australians.

Chip away at that chip on the shoulder of Aboriginal kids, and maybe I will not need to worry about my safety when I go to bed at night.

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