Saturday, 3 February 2024

A Bucket List

Now that my life is known to be drawing to a close, someone suggested that I write a bucket list -  that is, things to do before I die.

A bucket list.  But who can suddenly dive into adventure when they are seriously sick?  

I am lucky. I have lived a lucky life, and have done what I wanted to do.  My choices have been nearly all good.  My choice of husband was a major win.  

I have enjoyed life. I am not claiming that I was especially privileged, but mostly, I have been lucky. 

I have enjoyed a full 18 years of being a Grey Nomad and that is one of the most pleasurable things that one can do.  I have enjoyed hobbies, from breeding budgies to painting pictures and even writing books.  I have children and I have grandchildren, each of them special, each of them different. 

I don't need a bucket list.  I have filled my bucket.

So goodbye, friends, acquaintances, and even enemies, though I was never a sufficiently notable character to have any real enemies. 

(But I would have liked to live long enough to see if Trumpy wins in 2024.)  

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