As more and more of the Global Warming claims are disputed with firm evidence, the hysteria only become more shrill. 'We are all doomed,' they say. 'Doomed!'
In school and universities, the theory is taught as fact, scientists are likely to lose their jobs if they point out that the theory has flaws, and it is most certainly NOT a 97% consensus of scientists.
An American senator, Cory Booker, made the claim that America has just 12 years to do something to prevent disaster, and another American politician, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, came up with the absurd 'Green New Deal,' which, if taken seriously, would have quite quickly ruined America.
Film stars are chiming in. (When don't they?) Robert Redford spoke of a 'tipping point' that we are rapidly approaching. There was a good answer for him - Dear Robert Redford:
If you are truly worried about global warming, tell your rich Hollywood pals to stop flying on private jets and driving cars. Also, film production is a carbon-spewing, pollution-creating endeavor. So please, for the sake of human civilization, stop making movies. Oh...and while you're at it, tell them to downsize their carbon footprints by giving up their massive mansions and many homes and live like the rest of us. Signed, We the People. (Brietbart News on f/b, 26th April, 2019)
But still, a lot of us are too sceptical for the liking of some, and the BBC produced a show narrated by David Attenborough. We have grown up listening to nature shows narrated by the soothing voice of David Attenborough - Sir David Attenborough, and are much inclined to believe what he says.
But this time, people are panicking because of what he says, even when many of his 'facts' are quite untrue.
Paul Homewood has been through its various claims, and found many to be misleading and inaccurate - not facts, in fact. These are some of his criticisms, condensed and sometimes paraphrased.
Attenborough shows a surface temperature chart of dramatically rising temperatures but a) fails to mention that the more accurate satellite temperature data shows no increase since 1998; b) fails to explain why temperatures rose sharply in the early 20th century, long before CO2 emissions began to rise significantly; c) fails to mention that since the 19th century, Earth has been emerging from the Little Ice Age — probably the coldest period since the end of the Ice Age.
It was forecast in the programme that there would be more rainfall, more superstorms and worse flooding.
But there is no increase in cyclones or 'superstorms.'
Attenborough says that islands are drowning.
But they are not. Some of the 'vulnerable' areas, like the island of Tuvalu, has gained in area.
The vanishing polar ice caps: But according to NASA, the Antarctic is actually gaining ice.
But there is no increase in cyclones or 'superstorms.'
Attenborough says that islands are drowning.
But they are not. Some of the 'vulnerable' areas, like the island of Tuvalu, has gained in area.
The vanishing polar ice caps: But according to NASA, the Antarctic is actually gaining ice.
Greenland: The temperatures in Greenland are no higher now than they were in the 1930s.
“It may sound frightening," says Attenborough, "But the scientific evidence is that if we have not taken dramatic action in the next decade we could face irreversible damage to the natural world — and the collapse of our societies.”
“It may sound frightening," says Attenborough, "But the scientific evidence is that if we have not taken dramatic action in the next decade we could face irreversible damage to the natural world — and the collapse of our societies.”
It is no wonder that people, especially children, are frightened by that prospect. But it is not true.
For the full story. go to the link below:
For the full story. go to the link below:
To the right is a picture of 16 year old Greta Thunberg, who has become fixated on the need for world change in order to avoid world extinction due to human-caused Global Warming. She is being treated almost as the Messiah of the new religion of Global Warming, welcomed as a speaker at some very important meetings.
A part of one of her speeches:
"Either we limit the warming to 1.5 degrees C over pre industrial levels, or we don’t. Either we reach a tipping point where we start a chain reaction with events way beyond human control, or we don’t. Either we go on as a civilization, or we don’t. There are no gray areas when it comes to survival.
And when I say that I want you to panic I mean that we need to treat the crisis as a crisis. When your house is on fire you don’t sit down and talk about how nice you can rebuild it once you put out the fire. If your house is on fire you run outside and make sure that everyone is out while you call the fire department. That requires some level of panic."
This child wants us to panic. And she wants other children to panic.
She is just 16. What does she know, aside from what has been fed to her?
But people are taking notice of these dire predictions.
April, 2019. A very big protest in London
A ten day long protest has taken place in central London. The protesters took over places like Piccadilly Circus, Waterloo Bridge, and planned to take over the airport, but did not succeed. They staged what they called called a 'die-in.' The idea was to draw attention to the absolute urgency of reducing 'emissions' to zero. What they achieved was to scare a lot of children and cause a great deal of inconvenience, and some damage, even though it was theoretically a 'peaceful' protest.
Hundreds of people were arrested. (Sydney Morning Herald, April 24th, 2019.)
More and more people are becoming alarmed. On facebook, a lady called Joanna Martin has this to say about it.
"This girl. Greta. And David Attenborough's Climate Facts. I’ve spent the night feeling the panic. I will go to sleep panicking. We have 10 years people. 10 years to reduce carbon emissions by 50%. That's an astronomically challenging goal. That we most likely will fail at if not for revolutionary leadership."
If an adult is panicking, what about the children?
At London's demonstrations, there was a banner displayed by young people - 'Are we to be the last generation?'
Well, if they are, I don't think that Climate Change will have anything to do with it. Remember that the sea levels were supposed to rise and beach suburbs would be under water? They told us that years ago. (That was after the 70s when there was to be new Ice Age, and also after the hole in the Ozone Layer was about to wipe us out.)
I became sceptical then, 20 years ago, when it all first started, and yet houses close to the water still sold for millions.
I have known Queenscliff since I was a child. The water level has not risen. In fact, there is more land there than when I was a child, as beaches have silted up, been revegetated, and in some places, there are now buildings where once there was only sea.
I have known Queenscliff since I was a child. The water level has not risen. In fact, there is more land there than when I was a child, as beaches have silted up, been revegetated, and in some places, there are now buildings where once there was only sea.
The pier pictured above is now three quarters on land, not sea.
Another place I knew as a child, is Warrnambool, Victoria. It is the same there, more land, not less.
Fudging the facts:
There have been so many scandals about temperature records being changed to give support to the idea that the world is getting warmer. Here is one that I came across the other day.
Dennis Althouse, 7 April at 03:26
The CBC JUST PUT OUT A LEAKED REPORT SAYING THE NORTH IS WARMING AT TEMPERATURES 2.5 TIMES GREATER THAN THE REST OF THE WORLD.... THIS IS WHAT I PERSONALLY EXPERIENCED FOR THE LAST 20 YEARS IN THE ARCTIC...The air quality monitoring stations that were installed after 2000 are a point of faulty data collection. The person who installed them (i helped them find locations for the ones in Inuvik and Yellowknife) were placed in locations to to get 'hits' ... when I asked the person in charge why he wanted them in locations where it would obvious give high readings he told me they want 'hits' so they can get more funding. I thought that was bad science so I would only approve a site that was average air quality for the town of Inuvik by a soccer pitch and no buildings or traffic near it... since they are going to use that single point to represent the surrounding 500 km I felt that was best... the person complained to the SAO and Mayor ... but I held firm on my assertion that the location away from direct sources of pollution was a better location to collect a representative sample. Since I moved away they moved the air quality station next to the boiler end on one of the larger buildings in Inuvik (Midnight Sun Rec Center) obviously to get 'hits' ... the air quality monitoring station in Yellowknife (see pictures) is next to one of the larger sewage lift stations (think pig barn) in the city... I would get calls a couple times a year from environment Canada asking about a high numbers...LOL! so the data from any of these sources are suspect... not because I don't believe data... quite the opposite ... I collect and analyze data professionally... there are serious problems when the data is collected to get 'hits'... the report 'leaked' by CBC has been fixed with 20 years of manipulated data... we are being miss-lead.
Below is a link to something as important, about Corruption of the US Temperature Record.
And in Australia:
An article by Jennifer Marohasy, The Spectator Australia, 10 March 2019
"The Hottest Summer On Record Except for the Ones We've Changed."
In essence, she says: "It is actually now near impossible to know which summer was the hottest ever summer – because of the extensive remodelling of our temperature history."
The link to the full article is below.
"Here are other popular falsehoods that warmists fervently claim as true, only to get cross when I quote back “the science” they claim to “believe” in.
—Global warming is happening as predicted.
In fact, warming has slowed dramatically since last century, giving us lower temperatures than predicted by the vast majority of warming models. (Source: Dr Roy Spencer.)
— Global warming is causing more and worse cyclones.
In fact, Australia has had fewer cyclones, and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change this year admitted “numerous studies … have reported a decreasing trend in the global number of tropical cyclones and/or the globally accumulated cyclonic energy”.
— Global warming is causing more drought.
In fact, rainfall in Australia has increased over the past century. The IPCC now admits it has “low confidence in the sign of drought trends since 1950 at global scale”.
— Polar bears are becoming extinct.
In fact, adjunct professor Susan Crockford estimates numbers jumped from 22,500 to 28,500 over a decade.
— Global warming means less food.
In fact, grain crops in Australia and the world have set several records over the past decade."
A scientist has said: "Thinking the world’s temperature was driven primarily by man’s tiny emissions “borders on magical thinking."
In 2014, I made a blog post about the matter. In it, I spoke of old records being changed, sometimes deleted. So if anyone has any old records, make quite sure that they are kept safe, preferably on paper as well as on computer. They are more precious than ever now that we cannot trust 'scientists' to respect the data.
Oddly, it was difficult to find this post when I checked on Google, though with the exact same search terms, it was first in the results for another search engine, 'Duckduckgo.' Google is frequently being accused of fiddling with results of searches. Nearly all the results that were there were heavily in favour of the theory that human 'emissions' was causing the Earth to become warmer.
This was this interesting one I came across, though:
It includes this paragraph: “Dark Green Money” is a new report by Ottawa energy policy consultant, Robert Lyman, that takes the mask off the big green funding machine behind Canada’s Climate Change “Leadership”, issued by Friends of Science on Jan. 15, 2019. According to Friends of Science, what is in play in Canada sounds like the proposed US Green New Deal, as outlined by Vox, Jan. 7, 2019. Contrary to Al Gore’s claims of industry money funding climate dissenters, as reported Dec. 21, 2018 in National Geographic, “Dark Green Money” shows that billionaire foundations with vested interests in renewables and carbon trading, along with government policies are the big money pushing the climate narrative."
I have heard similar allegations before, that the whole thing is a hoax perpetrated in order to make money. Certainly Al Gore made a huge amount out of his alarmist film 'An Inconvenient Truth.'
But maybe it is not about money at all. Religions have always been used to control the people, from the despicable practice of corrupt popes and the selling of 'Indulgences' to the spread of Communism by imposing atheism, one religion being replaced by another - the religion of Party.
And now, the theory of human-caused Global Warming has become a religion. The accusation of 'Denier,' is akin to the shrieks of 'blasphemy' of olden times.
Is it to impose more central control? Bodies like the EU and the UN push it strongly, but for their own purposes. Some, of course, might believe it, the same as some Middle Ages popes might have believed in the religion that gave them power.
But these are allegations, and how much truth there are in them, I have little idea.
I do know this:
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Random kids not to scare |
It is NOT FAIR to scare the children into believing they have no future.
Let them play and learn. Don't make them worry.
I can't say it better than Joy Holbrook said it when she was incensed at school children 'striking' for more action on climate change. They called it a 'strike,' but it was supervised by teachers, and some children were bused to the demonstrations. The media coverage was overwhelmingly approving.
Joy writes:
This entire agenda is a disgrace! As a former teacher, I'm happy I can sleep at night, knowing I didn't terrify children into believing that they have no future. My grandchildren are being brainwashed at school with this insidious rubbish but fortunately for them, they have parents and grandparents who tell them the truth.
As professional information disseminators, it's incumbent on you to provide children with facts, not hysterical rubbish. For example, are schools teaching that the polar ice caps are growing in size? Check NASA's website for the photographic proof. Are schools teaching that the planet has been through this cycle many times over the millennia? Read Ian Plimer for geological proof. Are schools teaching that the islands of Tuvalu and Kiribati, which Al Gore predicted would be submerged by 2015, have grown in size since that prediction? I could go on but I know it's probably futile because those in the cosy left wing bubble don't care to step outside that bubble. And for the record, I voted Labor for over 50 years and, until three years ago, I believed in anthropogenic climate change. I believed that what I now know to be a rabidly left wing media, was telling me the truth. Then I retired and found myself with time to research.
In case you're not aware, I'll tell you what's REALLY going on. Climate change is being driven by two factors: the UN and our ubiquitous old friend, money. I've just read an article quoting the head of the UN climate body who admitted that the IPCC rounded up temperature data in their report last year. She also admitted that the alleged concern for global warming has nothing to do with the environment. It's about gaining control of energy worldwide, thus giving them control of industry and, by extension, the world's population. The goal of the UN is a One World Government. As to the money, the wealthy have billions invested in the renewables industry. The Turnbull family is a case in point. The Labor Party has investments, the unions, including your very own Teachers' Federation. Of course they're going to push the warming agenda. You're their puppets, dancing to their string pulling and you don't even realise it.
In conclusion, I'd ask you to go back to your classrooms and show your students video footage of vast solar farms in the US, covered with a good 30 cm of snow, thus rendering them useless. The sun hadn't shone there for over a week anyway. Or maybe you could entertain them with the video footage of the helicopter dropping hundreds of litres of fuel onto a wind turbine to de-ice it. Brilliant for the environment! Stop frightening the kids and get back to what the teachers' charter tells you to do. Arm kids with facts that will give them a basis for a successful life, not over emotional claptrap that scares them. And while you're at it, ask them to give up their phones, game consoles, electricity and transport to and from school. That'll tell you how serious they are about saving the world.
Regards, Joy Holbrook. Wallsend.
A few years ago, Australia's Prime Minister was going to have an Enquiry into the way that data was handled by the Bureau of Meteorology after doubts were raised about the 'homogenisation' of data. The PM was ousted, and the prospective enquiry dropped. Tony Abbott was thought not to be a 'Believer,' though he apparently thought it too politically risky to ever actually say that.
As part of the recent London demonstrations, some young people unfurled a banner that read:
"Are we the last generation?"
"Are we the last generation?"
No, you are not going to be 'the last generation.' The world is NOT going to end, and if we do suffer catastrophe, it is far more likely to be from over-population or maybe from flu pandemics.
So stop scaring the children. It is not fair on them.
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